Definition of Medical Hypnoanalysis

Medical Hypnoanalysis is an exciting, dynamic, short-term, and directed treatment approach. It is directed in that the treatment emphasizes causes rather than symptoms, explanations rather than descriptions, and unconscious forces rather than conscious forces as being the ultimate origins of the psychopathology. It is short-term in that in most situations, thirty or less sessions are required for the completion of treatment procedure.

Medical Hypnoanalysis examines the presenting symptoms of the client by means of taking a case history, observing verbal and non-verbal communication, while seeking unconscious clues to the ultimate CAUSES of the symptoms, in order to make a psychodynamic diagnosis. This procedure is directed at correcting the symptoms and the unwanted behavior which causes suffering or disease. For example, depression, phobias, obsessions, psychosomatic disorders, self-destructive and anti-social behavior and other emotional and psychological problems can be relieved, (AAMH, “Introduction to Medical Hypnosis,� April, 2010).

Note: Jennifer is a member of the American Academy of Medical Hypnoanalysts, and has completed extensive training in this treatment modality. Should you be interested in this treatment procedure, please contact Nowell and Associates  to confirm an appointment for this treatment with Jennifer.

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